A small case about how we promoted the channel in Telegram

Roman Smith • 25 October 2020

Less than a year has passed since we threw all our efforts at mastering the telegram messenger, or rather its potential in terms of advertising. However, we already had some experience with this product: we made chat bots there, which then helped their owners a lot, and brought a number of tedious business processes to automatism.

In addition, working on the promotion of channels in Telegram was not a new field of activity for us. However, let's talk about everything in order…

So, this time our channel promotion customer was the owner of this one https://t.me/sobermagic community.

His channel is dedicated to all sorts of magical transformations with the face of a person. Here visitors will find a great set of forecasts, cases, insights, self - development questions-without any bad moments and games with aura.

We had to conduct a thorough search for excellent sites of high quality with the possibility of placing advertising materials on them.

So, at the end of June 2020, we started working on this project.

And the first thing we did was to do Analytics in order to detect mentions and advertising materials posted on the Internet up to this time. Well, then, our team started searching for similar channels in order to identify resources where their advertising materials were placed. This is how we managed to collect all the relevant information on advertising platforms.

Sample view of channel Analytics


In addition, we have added low-activity and bot-free channels to the filters. Since it is desirable to work with channels that have a minimum percentage of engagement at the level of 20 positions.

It took us two months to work on this project. As a result, we are still interested in 108 channels that can be used for advertising purposes. At the same time, during the selection process, we gave preference to personal blogs on such hype topics as hipster parties, movies, literature, esotericism, psychology. Moreover, they had to contain the author's content. So we were able to find even a blog authored by a flight attendant.


The most difficult moment in the process of working on this project was the multiple refusals of channel authors to cooperate in terms of advertising, due to the specifics of our channel. Well, that's their right. Apparently they didn't need to make a profit from advertising.

Although our advertising was quite harmless. Judge. Here is an example of the content of our advertising materials:

"Magic is a very real thing. Some believe in magic, and some don't. However, this will not stop its laws from working. In addition, people who know believe in the existence of magic. There are also people who have made a fortune of billions of dollars.

Want an example? You are welcome. Let's say you like a pretty girl. You took a picture of her going to a fortune-teller in order to elicit a response of love from this lady. So this heresy with kalibushi in any way to magic does not apply.

Another example? Yes, please. Your work does not bring you any pleasure: neither moral nor material, and it is a sin to talk about prospects at all. However, there are no alternatives to this stuff. And then, when you've had enough of everything, you quit. And immediately, as if by magic, you are inundated with job offers. Of course, this situation does not happen to everyone, but to many employees. Although you kept your dismissal a secret from everyone until the very last moment. They just decided and quit. So this, guys, is the real manifestation of magic. It's not for us to tell you how often fate throws up such surprises.

In short, magic is not the mysterious rites of dancing with tambourines and chicken navels. Magic is the flow of energy that affects our desires, the power of a person's thoughts, and their plans for the future. Magic is everything that helps you through life, if the person only wants it. And read about the methods of magic on the channel Magic without superstition."

As a result, our specialists have developed about eight editions of texts and graphic materials for different thematic channels with a maximum of Nativity, that is, naturalness, unobtrusiveness.

As a result, such telegram channels as:





They brought a maximum of 400 people to our client's channel from one publication, but no less than 17 visitors (but this is because the channel was small).

If you make purchases of advertising in Telegram without intermediaries, then try to get permission from the channel administration to personally create messages (although not everyone agrees to this). It happens that native messages in the fairway of their channels come out more juicy. In addition, this move is a significant time saving when you need to write a bunch of messages.

For example, we spent 18,250 rubles on writing advertising messages in two months. At the same time, we managed to attract 787 subscribers to the channel. But, such a high cost is not as terrible as it seems at first glance. After all, in Telegram, all subscribers are active and of high quality. Telegram, unlike social networks, does not suffer from an abundance of smart feeds. Therefore, many people settle down here. And the specifics of a very narrow niche here, too, can not be discounted. Therefore, the authors of a number of channels increased the cost of advertising extremely due to the complexity of advertising materials.


As a result, we have achieved a great level of engagement on our channel! Every day, his posts are read by a third of subscribers, and half of the total number of users re-read information messages on the channel from time to time. This is a great level of engagement. This means that the quality level of our audience is the highest and it is targeted.

In addition, during the period of our work with the channel, the level of unsubscriptions was scanty, and there were no significant jumps in the audience either. But the cheat is easily calculated based on significant jumps in the number of new subscribers over a short time period.

Result: More subscribers

Tags: Content Marketing Messengers Social Media SMM
