There are different opinions about who and how rules this world. World or secret government, chaos, money, anything ... You can shift responsibility to anything. But we, only we decide what will happen tomorrow. I understood this when I released my first book, more precisely a few years after its publication - the ideas and approach set forth in this book spread everywhere. We decide what will be “tomorrow” with each of our actions, each thought, each attitude to something.
Returning to the topic — for whom is this project, this project, of course, for worthy people who do not spend time "waking up", who are open themselves, and open to everything new and tirelessly share their experiences, their cases.
Give the world more, and you will receive more, you will find yourself in a better world. The problem with money is that it can only be spent on some types of charity. Experience is another matter, your cases - by publishing them, you will do better for yourself and all others.
You have no cases? This cannot be - if you have learned to at least read this message, then you already have some experience, maybe it does not fit into the categories of our project, publish it in our community. The project will change the way it will be better.
First of all, my message is directed to the most worthy, those who are willing to share transparent cases not for sale, but just like that, and just like that, even though this project is still young.
But, understanding your “pain”, you can solve the questions of others for money, and showing them how this will happen, making a case that is opaque, you will use an underestimated way of selling a product, service or expert status that will generously reward you for the attached efforts.
One way or another, members of this community will certainly change the world. And only you decide what place you will take in this project.
Information Philanthropist
They were mentioned above.
Business, startup / Professional
Be trendy, share your experience on our project. Make a product case. You can also use cases as a way to sell your products and services.
Popular science editor
Important and necessary work can be done by the editor, he translates the scientific discoveries of society, news, applications of various modern technologies: artificial intelligence (AI), the Internet of things (IoT), blockchain and others into cases, monitors startups, if they themselves for some then the reasons may not be present on the project, and shows their product cases. But cases can be not only from technology, but generally from any sphere of life.
Someone is a "player", and someone is just a spectator. You can just see the cases and be content with it.
Updated: Detalied roles in the project:
1) Social Media Manager.
2) CPA (Traffic arbitrage) Specialist.
3) Digital Marketer.
4) SEO Specialist.
5) PPC Specialist.
6) Business-Angel / Venture Investor.
7) Businessman.
8) Startup.
With respect,
Damir Safin, homo sapiens.