Points' store

Our project has a points system, users are rewarded for useful actions:

5 points per comment

100 points for adding a case study / post

250 points for each registered user on your affiliate link (see the bottom of the page)

* For the cheat points, the user can get a ban his account.


What can I spend points on:

attach case study on the top

Set a case study at the top of the category for 1000 points


attach case study on the top

Set a case study at the top of the category for a week 5000 points


Place a banner at the top of the main page for a day of 5000 points



Verify case study 5000 points


Freedom of Speech

Personal hour consultation with the creator of the project 30,000 points



Review of yours case study on YouTube channel «HOT CASE STUDIES» 100,000 points




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